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Foxy Brown
USA 1974
American International Pictures, directed by Samuel Z. Arkoff & Unknown Director

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Pam Grier;  Antonio Fargas;  Peter Brown;  Terry Carter;  Kathryn Loder;  Harry Holcombe;  Sid Haig;  Juanita Brown;  Sally Ann Stroud;  Bob Minor;  Tony Giorgio;  Fred Lerner;  Judy Cassmore;  Jon Cedar;  Kimberley Hyde;  Esther Sutherland;  Mary Foran;  Roydon E. Clark;  Don Gazzamici;  Gary Wright;  Fred Murphy;  Edward Cross;  Larry Kinley Jr.;  Jack Bernardi;  H. B. Haggerty;  Boyd "Red" Morgan; 

Short Summary:
Foxy's brother Link is in big trouble. He owes $20,000 in numbers racket money to a gang. Foxy saves his ass, only for Link to hatch a plan to pay back the money by grassing on Foxy's boyfriend Anderson, actually an undercover narcotics agent. The gang subsequently kill Anderson. Foxy vows revenge and forces Link to disclose the whereabouts of the gang. Using her considerable charm (and luscious curves) Foxy becomes one of Katherine Wall's trusted hookers. Dispatched to the hotel of Judge Fenton with fellow call girl Claudia, Foxy (under her alias Misty Cotton) is supposed to make sure the judge acquits one of the gang's dealers the next day. Foxy publicly humiliates the judge, ensuring the dealer takes the rap. Furious, Katherine orders her henchmen to torture Foxy and send her to a remote ranch to become a junkie. She escapes and meets a local black neighborhood anti-drug leader called Oscar. Oscar helps Foxy stop a big heroin shipment (while she flies the plane and kills plenty of hoodlums) before she castrates Katherine's lover, delivering the parts to Katherine and killing the rest of the mobsters. Foxy and Oscar duly live happily ever after...

Movie summary written by The Man

Screenshots from the movie. Click on any image to see a bigger colour version.

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Pam Grier is Foxy Brown! Foxy gets to know her lover all over again... Katherine Wall, queen of the pimps Foxy's brother Link scores again... Foxy's back and she wants answers! Misty Cotton hits the scene... and joins Claudia for a little party... so they humiliate the judge... and get into a fight... but Katherine's men capture Foxy! she escapes... and hooks up with Oscar