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Black Fist USA 1977 Worldwide, directed by Timothy Galfas & Richard Kaye Movie availability: Buy VHS Starring: Richard Lawson; Philip Michael Thomas; Anazette Chase; Dabney Coleman; Robert Burr; Morris Buchanan; Carolyn Calcote; Ron Carson; Anazette Chase; Al Checco; Eddie Crawford; Stephanie Faulkner; Denise Gordy; H.B. Haggerty; Richard Kaye; John Wesley Rodgers; Ed Rue; Joseph Ruskin; Short Summary: Streetfighters: Leroy is the baddest of them all and deals with the mob, but when his girl and best friend get killed, he's waiting for the Payback. 'Leroy - A giant explodes' is what the German cover says... Movie summary written by Whytie
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