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Au Revoir... A Lundi Jean-Daniel Mercier RCA France RSL 1077, 1979
Au Revoir... A Lundi album cover

Here's an obscure French soundtrack that doesn't turn up very often, but what a killer! It's a pretty varied score, including elements of 80s pop, genre late 70s score, but the best of the lot is a superb 1 minute hard late 70s funker with flute, big drums and superb tight bass, 'Depart en Floride'. The flip side of the LP is also strong, with some very groovy instrumentals with a mix of funk and dub in the music. Recommended: the album also features Canadian singer Lewis Furey.

Overall Rating: 4

Track listing:

See you Monday | Vendredi soir | Allo Arnold? | Hotel Champlain | See you Monday | Apres Noel | Depart en Floride | Retour de Floride | See you Monday | La Floride | Musique Vioture | Sortie de la clinique | Thomas II | Thomas | See you Monday |


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