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Tristan et Iseult Christian Vander Barclay 80.528, 1974
Tristan et Iseult album cover

This album is actually a studio album by classic French prog-rockers Magma, used as the score to an obscure French movie. The music is spartan - only bass, drums, piano and voice are used by Vander, the composer. If you haven't heard any Magma, this will sound very odd, but if you feel prog beats then you need to check the wicked 'Ek sun da ess?' for bizarre chant over great funky 4/4 prog drums and bass...

Overall Rating: 3

Track listing:

Wainsaht!!! | Wlasik steuhl Kobaia | Sehnnteht dros wurdah sums | C'est la vie qui les a menes la! | Ek sun da zess? | De zeuhl undazir | Mala wwelekaahm | Bradia da zimehn iegah | Maneh fur da zess | Fur di hel Kobaia | Blum tendiwa | Wohlduhnt m'e m deweless |


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