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Day The Fish Came Out, The Mikis Theodorakis 20th Century Fox S4194, 1967
Day The Fish Came Out, The album cover

A very groovy looking film! Excellent cover, strong album too. The track listing suggests that you're in for a strange 60s groovy listening experience, and so it proves to be. The outstanding numbers are the crazy guitar groovers 'Dance the jet' and 'The jet rock', both in the same vein as Pierre Henry (think wacky 60s beat with fuzz guitar and huge drums) or 'Cafe Rock', from Theodorakis' other groovy soundtrack, Z.

Overall Rating: 3

Track listing:

The Jet | The Greeks take over | The boys from the West | Computers and bouzoukis | West meets East | Sex on the rocks | Karos island gets a facelift | Stand by for the tourist boom | The next time it's unlikely to be Spain | The day the fish came out | Let's dance the Jet | Karos has strange dreams | Looking for the bomb | The jet rock | Karos 1972 A.D. | "The sonic boom" |


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