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Happening, The Frank De Vol Colgems COSO-5008, 1968
Happening, The album cover

This soundtrack is taken from a comedy-drama from the late 60s, so you can guess what the music is going to be like. You'd be correct if you're thinking poppy guitar and organ features. Some groovy numbers and a good tongue-in-cheek feel permeate the album, preventing it from becoming a simple genre piece. Worth checking if you (or your dancefloor) digs a kitsch organ groover.

Overall Rating: 3

Track listing:

Let's play games | Early in the morning (voc: Stephen Doyle Smith) | Escapism | The airport caper | Early in the morning | The fuzz | All I know about you | The happening | Fred splits | Let's play more games | Turndown | More airport capers |


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