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Cannonball Run, The Al Capps Victor VIP-28036, 1981
Cannonball Run, The album cover

This score only saw a Japanese soundtrack release; a pity, as the theme is an excellent example of choppy, tight funk guitar which should be placed in the same league as Jack Jones' original Love Boat Theme. The album features some early Jackie Chan dialogue and several truly awful fillers: buy for the theme and ignore the rest.

Overall Rating: 3

Track listing:

Cannonball (Ray Stevens) | Here Comes Da Sheik | Love Is On The Air (Lou Rawls) | Beauty's Theme | If And When | Moore Of The Same | The Cannonball Run (Chuck Mangione) | Just For The Hell Of It (Ray Stevens) | Hong King Kong | T-T-Turn Left | Captain Chaos Strikes | You've Gotta Have A Dream (California Children's Chorus) |


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