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Mack (And His Pack), The Alan Silvestri ALA Enterprises ALA 1995, 1983
Mack (And His Pack), The album cover

Despite the cover, this soundtrack is actually taken from a 1983 sequel to black action classic The Mack. The movie is very obscure and is not referenced in many of the standard video handbooks. One alternative title is 'The Mack And His Pack'. The movie disappeared straight to video and is hard to find, as is the soundtrack LP on the obscure ALA label. The music, by Alan Silvestri, has a tight 1980s sound and is reminiscent of Three Days Of The Condor in places. The vocal tracks feature the great Gene McDaniels (of ultra-rare funk LP classic 'Headless Heroes Of The Apocalypse' fame). The whole album is tight, funky and sparse in sound; slap bass, soprano sax and toppy guitar predominate. Recommended but very hard to find. Absolutely at the opposite end of the funk spectrum from the original Willie Hutch score. Check out 'Party Time' and 'Here Today'.

Overall Rating: 4

Track listing:

In The Beginning | Cruisin' | Planetarium | Kill Fats | Here Today | Party Time | We Can Beat This | Play Ball | Slim |


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